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Fronius International GmbH was established in 1945 with headquarter located in Austria. As a high-end welding equipment manufacturer and welding solution provider, with the strong competence formed by focusing on technology innovation, Fronius becomes the leader of welding industry.Water Town Team Building HarmoTaoHarmoTao® (Shanghai) provided Fronius China with an innovative team building event and brilliant annual party themed Lets Get Connected at Pullman Zhouzhuang, and all kind of details were tailor-made and all expectations have been achieved.Statement: All above photo copyright and content shall be owned by the HarmoTao®, without written authorization, shall not be spread and use, offenders will be punished!! Fronius International GmbH伏能士焊接技术国际有限公司成立于1945年,是来自奥地利的高端焊接设备制造商和焊接解决方案供应商,是以创新技术为核心竞争力的全球焊机领导品牌。HarmoTao和合道®(上海)在水月周庄铂尔曼酒店为伏能士Fronius中国区团队提供Lets Get Conected主题年会团队庆典活动,结合其业务相关与年会主题要求,提供创意团建、年会盛典、团体旅游三方面内容的定制化服务,完满地实现客户预期目标。Fronius Team Building Event

声明: 本图片版权归属HarmoTao和合道®所有; 未经书面授权,不得转载与使用,违者必究!
更多创意团队建设年会活动方案,请致电+86 400-878-3392 和合道HarmoTao Team Building.

(1) Faurecia Global Management Team Building-法国佛吉亚(全球)高管商务团建
(2) Kyocera Document Solutions China Team Building-京瓷(上海)团队建设活动
(3) Eagle Ottawa China Commercial Team Building-美国李尔旗下鹰革中国团建
(4) Avery Dennison China Team Building F1 Race-美国艾利(中国) 商务团队建设
(5) Fronius China Annual Party Lets get connected-奥地利伏能士中国团建活动
  (6) Volkswagen China ITP Team Building F1 Race-德国大众汽车(中国)ITP团队建设


(1) Volkswagen China ITP Team Building Goldberg Challenge-德国大众汽车(中国)ITP团建活动
(2) Lenovo Group Beijing Research & Development Team Building-联想集团北京研发团队建设
(3) Unilever China CDD Creative Team Building Event-美国联合利华中国区大客户商务团队建设
(4) Fronius China Annual Party Lets get connected -奥地利伏能士智能设备中国区团队建设活动

(5) MindShare Beijing Creative Team Building Event -英国WPP旗下群邑传立传媒(北京)团建活动
Texas Instruments Chengdu NCG TeamBuilding Event-美国德州仪器成都NCG团队建设活动

About HarmoTao和合道®-中国传统文化元素特色的世界500强团建品牌优选供应商-Tel: 400 878 3392 
HarmoTao和合道®是和合道(香港)探索教育集团旗下子公司隶属的团队建设与人才发展的注册商标品牌,是国际人才发展协会(ATD)会员单位机构、国际夏令营协会(ICF)会员单位机构以及国际体验教育协会(AEE)会员单位机构。HarmoTao和合道®大陆运营总部在中国上海,北京、广州、成都、赣州均设代表处。公司专注于团队建设和人才发展,中国传统文化体验和体验探索教育咨询服务,可根据客户需求进行多语种包括英语、国语和粤语进行授课交付服务; HarmoTao和合道®已成功为包括宝洁、联合利华、巴黎欧莱雅、赢创、梅赛德斯-奔驰、大众汽车、优步&北面、碧桂园地产、宝能地产、初橙会、杨三角企业大学、清华附中国际部、成都墨尔文国际学校、香港中文大学、德州仪器等世界500强公司或知名企业提供优质创意活动和人才发展服务。PS: Here are some testimonials from our client. 部分客户见证参考!