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Chinese Shadow Play | 中国皮影

According to history records the Chinese Shadow Theater began in the Warring States period, Marionette Heung, Han Dynasty, and flourished in the Song Dynasty and through to the Yuan Dynasty period to western Asia and Europe.
China Leather shadow spread to Europe from the middle of the 18th century. According to historical records, in 1767 the French missionaries that came to China took wayang back to France in Paris and Marseilles and was called the "Chinese See all Ambilight TVS", it caused a sensation. After the transformation of the French, become "Ile-de-France See all Ambilight TVS".

Shadow Play is the way to use light skins made of cardboard or figures to show the story of silhouette theater. At the time of the general by three to five in the white curtains entertainers who manipulate behind the Opera, while a popular local tunes singing in the story with a percussion beautiful with strong rustic ambience. In the past there were no films or television so that the Marionette became very popular entertainment activities of civil society.

Common traditional operas including: The White Snake, The Cowherd and weaving girl, Yeung Ka Yue Fei, the Water Margin, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the west, or just tailor-made by your team according to the starup story of the company.
If you like this theme and forms of LWN depending on the team-building activities and the personnel involved in the topics on the above preference s traditional operas to select, then through the role play, teamwork, collaboration attempts for the classic longer deductive, fervently hope that the exciting!


皮影戏,是一种用灯光照射兽皮或纸板做成的人物剪影以表演故事的民间戏剧。当和合道首创的Shadow Play皮影活动应用于创意Team Buiding:通常地团队分工将由熟悉故事人物关系的成员在白色幕布后面操纵戏曲人物,擅长歌唱的成员用流行的曲调唱述故事,擅长打击乐器和弦乐的成员则根据文武篇进行不同乐器的演奏,分工协作,各司其职,共同制作一台属于贵公司创作的独特皮影电影,释放团队的表演天赋。


如果您喜欢这个主题与形式,那么可根据团队建设TEAM BUILDING活动主题以及参与人员的喜好对以上传统剧目进行选择,然后通过角色扮演,团队分工协作,尝试进行经典的再演绎,期待各位的精彩表现哦!

Latest Case Show: Fortune 500 Company-Evonik Asia Sales Team Building Shadow Play.

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