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Art Jamming | 艺术涂鸦-->> 已被世界500强公司BASF巴斯夫/Evonik赢创/WPP旗下Mindshare等公司选用!

Does your team have a Picasso? No matter, the team’s collective drawing co-production process is the most important.In each group, participants will have a prepared Canvas Painting cloth, they will wear protective clothing, armed with the pen and start the CCPD scenes atmosphere is passion and unusual and encouraging.

Not only that, but the whole process also emphasized the creativity and team collaboration. Because the creation at the end of each separate canvas is spell as a whole. At this point, a miracle occurred when rendered in front of all of us is a great creativity of the murals. All the people are amazed: this is it true that we complete the work! Unbelievable! At this point in the very essence of the team building for your employees, the active involvement of the becoming a perfect one part of how important it is, and enhance their sense of belonging to the team. The final entries can also render in your team office with the pride of the part of the team. What are you waiting for? Let’s create!

Key Learning Outcomes:
# The advancement of creative expression 
# Show team for a whole new experience
# Emphasis on individual roles/responsibilities
# Reinforce positive atmosphere for the team to establish a good team 
# Relationship



不仅如此,整个过程还强调创造性和团队协作。因为到创作结束的时候,每一块单独的画布会被拼合成一个整体。这时候奇迹发生了,呈现在所有人面前的是一幅巨大的充满创造力的壁画。所有人都会惊叹:这难道真的是我们一起共同完成的作品!太不可思议了!此时TEAM BUILDIGN精髓得以呈现!


# 提高创造性的表达

Latest Case Show1: Fortune 500 Company-BASF Asia Pacific Management Team Building Event.

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The final entries can also render in your team office with the pride of the part of the team. What are you waiting for? Let’s create it! 最终的作品也可以呈现在您的团队办公室,成为团队的骄傲。还等什么?一起来创作吧!!

作品展示2:世界500强李尔集团旗下Eagle Ottawa(中国)工程师团队活动《艺术涂鸦》作品展,全程英文指导。

我有兴趣:马上咨询|Send enquiry 或致电+86 400-878-3392 Creative Team Building