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HarmoTao Team Building Shanghai

Rock Climbing | 攀岩:

Rock Climbing origin: derived from a beautiful love story in the European Alps cliff Hyundai-daejun, there is a rare Alpine rose. As long as you have this rose you we be happy to have wondrous love. Thus a brave man climbed the mountain in search of the rose to give to his true love.

The current team building activities: TEAM BUILDING applications fall into two categories: Artificial rock wall and Natural rock wall. If you choose these team activities, most people choose indoor rock climbing at the artificial rock wall museum. It is an artificial rock point and a simulation of the route walls, the ease with which you can control the time for training is more flexible, but the height and realism are limited. When you select the Team adventure outdoors, natural granite team wall is undoubtedly the best carrier, it gives people a real sense of climbing a mountain and more realalistic challenges. Can choose the rock wall climbing and rock climbing routes and locations, and natural climbing wall route changes such as: depressions, cracks, Elevation, offer you a mountain to the Peak to your feelings.


目前团队建设TEAM BUILDING活动中应用比较多通常分二种:人工岩壁和天然岩壁。如果团队活动选择在室内,大部分人选择攀岩馆的人工岩壁,它是一种人为设置岩点和路线的模拟墙壁,难易程度可随意控制,训练时间比较机动,但高度和真实感有限。当选择户外团队冒险OUTDOOR TEAM ADVENTURE,天然岩壁无疑是最佳载体,它给人的真实感和挑战性较强,也可自行选择攀岩的岩壁和攀岩路线及攀登地点,而且天然岩壁的路线变化丰富,如凸台、凹窝、裂缝、仰角等,让你体会“山到绝处我为峰”的感受。

Latest Case Show: Fortune 500 Company- Mercedes-Benz Team Building Event. 
最新案例:世界500强-戴姆勒集团旗下梅赛德斯-奔驰GLA SUV“天生无畏”团队冒险指定供应商
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Rope-repelling | 悬崖速降

Rope-repelling is derived from the climbers, brave climbers and involving water, every cliff fall from the sky, every rock and climb; downhill gradually its unique charm to attract a group of mountain enthusiasts into the cliffs, canyons streams to experience the feeling of flying, challenge themselves, smithery courage, enjoy the stimulation. Downhill is more important than the process of team building TEAM BUILDING entertaining and fresh, also suitable for the general public outdoor recreational sports undertaken.

速降是由登山派生而来,勇敢的登山者们遇水而涉,逢崖而降,逢岩而攀;速降逐渐以其特有的魅力吸引了一批山野爱好者走进悬崖峭壁、峡谷溪流中去体验飞翔的感觉、挑战自我,煅炼胆识,享受刺激。速降更重于团队建设TEAM BUILDING过程中的娱乐性和新鲜感,也是适合于普遍开展的大众户外休闲运动。

Key Learning Outcomes|重要的学习成果

# Breakthrough psychological comfort zone and psychological limits with individual or group challenges
# With difficulties a person can realize from where the team force is derived
# Remodeling the perseverance of the employees quality.

# 突破心理舒适区,挑战自身心理极限;
# 在遇到困难时,亲身感悟来自团队支持的力量;
# 重塑员工坚忍不拔的品质。

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