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Fans Culture | 扇子文化
Chinese fan's history can be traced back to ancient Shun Era, which was called "making fan begins with Shun" in historical records. The earliest fan image currently found is a long handle fan of gold and silver copper pot unearthed in Chengdu, Sichuan. The earliest complete form of fan material is unearthed in Hunan, Changsha with Mawangdui Han bamboo silk woven on a long wooden handle fan.

As a fan can be considered an appliance in different sense, it began in the late Warring States period (475 BC ~ 221 years ago), at that time most of fans were made of poultry feathers, called lupin. The fan was in the noble family, during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 ~ 220), the fan started to become popular, followed by the bamboo fan then the cattail leaf fan was also introduced. The scholars in ancient China would paint images with birds, insects, fish, gardens, landscapes, flowers and trees, as well as portraits onto the fans. The perfect combination of Carving art and painting art makes the Chinese fan become many scholars’ favorite craving art collections which also become the art of crystallization and of showing China's unique cultural charm.

Fan making is based in China and is mainly concentrated in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan and Guangdong provinces. The most famous fan among them is the Hangzhou fan which was painted from using silk and Longjing tea and all of them are known as “Three unique products in Hangzhou".


扇子作为真正意义上的生活用具,始于战国(公元前475~前221 年)晚期。当时扇子多为禽类羽毛制成,故称“羽扇”,多在贵族阶层中使用。到了东汉(25~220年),扇子开始在民间流行,出现了竹扇和蒲扇。中国古代士人画扇,内容以鸟兽虫鱼、园林山水、花草树木、人物肖像为主。雕刻艺术与书画艺术的完美结合,使得中国扇子成为许多文人雅士喜爱和渴求的艺术藏品,也成为展现中国独特文化魅力的艺术结晶。中国的制扇基地主要集中在江苏、浙江、四川和广东等省。其中,杭扇最有名气,它与丝绸和龙井茶叶被人们称为“杭州三绝”。


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