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Thank you HarmoTao for providing us with the unforgettable team activity, a wonderful Team Building day, especially the professional, energetic and humorous coaches, it was way beyond our expectation! Overall, our colleagues were having a lot of fun with the Fast and Furious F1 and it definitely have made us more collaborative which is also our ultimate intention. Hope to partner again with your more new activities!
                                                                                             Taylor ITP Volkswagen (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

Thanks to all staff of HarmoTao for their contributions to Lumentum team building activities! In Lumentum’s team building of African drum, HarmoTao made full preparation. On the event site, with their rich experience, professional knowledge, attractive explanation and personal practice, we deeply felt the life and ethnicity of the African people tradition. During the participation of the entire event, each employee of our company learned the African drum’s percussion technology and actively participated through learning and entrainment, the company’s cohesion and employee’s sense of belonging were strengthened! All employees of Lumentum experienced a fulfilling and meaning afternoon. In short, much appreciate HarmoTao’s fantastic job to make the success of Lumentum team building 2019. 
                                                   Mindy Guo HR Lumemtum Communication Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

We couldn’t have been more happy with the team building – Guangzhou Rush by HarmoTao, and your outstanding staff to facilitate the activity successfully. You all did a very nice job especially to meet customer’s expectation and develop a plan that tailor-made to our company’s culture. Thank you so much for your dedication to lead this activity. We really enjoyed the team building.
                                   Sandra Li Staff Assistant ExxonMobil (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch

The work of HarmoTao on this team building has made a difference to our whole event. You took the time to explain all of the options to us and worked with us together to customize their services. Not only was the team building activity both fun and challenging but your quick response to our specific requirements was impressive. Thank you!
                                     Rosie Xiao HR Texas Instruments Semiconductor Manufacturing (Chengdu) Co., Ltd.

Overall we were satisfied with the team building facilitated by HarmoTao. This is a trusted team to work with and great result has been delivered as expected. The facilitating team offered creative ideas based on our team building purposes and kept timely communication with us on the plan. We had so much funs during the team building – cooking, David, facilitator of the team building, was good at delivering the efficient communication, clear instructions and really helpful to get us cooperating together wonderfully as an amazing team. We enjoy a lot during the friendly cooking competitors. Thank you very much and look forward to partner again in the future!

                                                             Fion Asia Pacific Supply Chain Wrigley Confectionary (China) Co.,Ltd. 

It is the second time working with HarmoTao for our team building. They help to customized Shanghai rush! according to our special requirements within the budget by their professional experiences. Our team member enjoyed this fun, meaningful activity which strength the team interaction, cooperation and motivation. We are looking forward for the our third time cooperation.
                                                                                                                        LOreal Asia Pacific Sourcing Centre

                                                                                                                        联想集团   PCG  台式研发  产品交付部


                                                                                                                                    华富基金管理有限公司  综合部


                                                                                                                               宝能控股赣州公司   综合部 成本部


                                                                                                                                             北京凯文学校 人力资源部

短短7天6夜夏令营结束了,孩子们受益匪浅、满载而归!锻炼了孩子们独立能力,培养孩子们大胆和外教交流。增加强了孩子们团队意识,依靠团队合作精神战胜困难,体验成功的喜悦! 再次感谢东江之星夏令营,感谢老师们辛苦的付出。期待下次的合作,展示孩子们更优秀的一面!

儿子从营地回家好几天了,一直在说夏令营的点滴,他说“九天太快了,都不想回家了,明年还要参加…"  想想当初我建议他去参加夏令营时一口拒绝还摔门而去,到结营时的恋恋不舍,这里发生了什么? 我把孩子说的与每天写的小结进行了疏理: ①最大的发现是这里对孩子能力培养的模式是实践-学习-小结反思-再实践,在实践中孩子不断获得成功的体验,激发他们不断的想尝试; ②孩子懂得了什么是信任、责任、默契…他说第一次敞开心扉与人交流;③提高了孩子对英语的兴趣; ④孩子增长了野外生存的知识,以及救人应注意的一些要点; ⑤学会了思考,发现实践最可以记忆事物; ⑥凡事坚持不懈,不轻言放弃,他说反正不会死,坚持就好; ⑦如何协调队员关系。所有这些只是他能表达出来的收获,而实际收获应该更多,有些只可意会不可言传吧,如思维模式的改变等等。总之,很感谢东江之星这个专业团队,特别是三位与孩子们日夜相伴的教练与老师,谢谢!。”                                                                
