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Chinese Guqin | 古琴艺术

Qin has a long history in China, the Chinese Guqin, one of the oldest plucked string instruments in the world, produces it’s sound with the string and wooden resonator together and has had a history of more than 3000 years, known as the Guqin until at the beginning of the 20th century. Guqin art has influenced China’s music history, the history of aesthetics, the social and cultural history, and is one of the main representatives of the spirit and culture of music in ancient China.

For Now those common Guqin styles are the Wei Jin style, the length is usually 1-10cm, head width 17cm and lyre tail width 12cm, has different shapes such as large, middle and small, the number of strings vary with five strings, nine strings, ten strings, twelve strings and twenty strings. The most common string is seven, so it also called Qin lyre. Gugin has already formed the independence and integrity of the system including playing method, notation, Qin history, Qin law and aesthetics. The content of Qin system is not only broad and profound, but also like a mirror which reflecting the Chinese philosophy, history, and literature, therefore it is representative of traditional music in China.


现在常见的古琴式样,大多为魏晋之后的式样,一般长为110cm,琴头宽17cm,琴尾宽12cm,分大、中、小不同的形制,琴弦根数有五弦、九弦、十弦、十二弦、二十弦等多种。常见的是七弦,所以古琴又称七弦琴。古琴的弹奏法、记谱法、琴史、琴律、美学等方面早已形成独立完整的体系,被称作“琴学”,其内容精深博大,也是反映中国哲学、历史、文学的镜子, 是中国传统音乐的代表.


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