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Chinese Tea|中国茶:

Tea is a part of and essential to people’s life, “Tea for guests” is kept as a long tradition in China; Tea is not only a drink of the whole Chinese nation, originating from Shen Nong time, well-known in Lu Zhougong time, prevalent in Tang Dynasty and flourishing in the Song Dynasty, and then tea has been closely related to Chinese people;

Key Learning Outcomes:
# Knowing about the history and culture of tea;
# Knowing about classification of tea and team producing process
# Learning and understanding tea-making etiquette and tea-making method;
# Learning about “Three pleasures” and “four charms” of team tasting.

“开门七门件事:柴米油盐酱醋茶”可见茶已成为中国人的日常生活不可或缺的调味品,中国自古以来形成“客来敬茶”的传统;茶是中华民族的举国之饮, "发于神农,闻于鲁周公,兴于唐朝,盛于宋朝" 一直保持着与中国人的缘分。



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