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2017春节档大片《功夫瑜伽》讲述了一位考古学家被一张千年前的地图所吸引,在中印两国间寻找“神秘宝石”的冒险故事;HarmoTao和合道®研发团队由此汲取灵感与创意,结合品牌主张,跨界创新地推出独家团建创意活动/“功夫+瑜伽/”即中国功夫+印度瑜伽:从太极基础、推手应用、到大笑瑜伽、循环冥想,化繁为简地体验中国阴阳文化及现代瑜伽的科学精髓,非常适合高阶领导或管理层团队进行文化体验,全英文或中英双语授课。马上咨询|Send enquiry

The Chinese word
 /“Dao/”(道) means /“Way or Path/” More accurately it is the concept of /“way of life/”  This is a crucial part of every martial art and especially for Tai Chi. Tai Chi is in itself a way of life.  Meaning that every concept of Tai Chi can be related to every aspect of life. This cool down portion of the event will give Team members the chance to related the concepts they learned during the day/’s events to their own lives as well as their work. 

Yoga is a process
of all round personality development-Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. Games play an important part in this process. Games will turn into yoga, if we keep the constant awareness while playing, which in turn will bring love, harmony, peace and bliss. Yogic games includes different kinds of games based on Yoga concepts to improve concentration, awareness, alertness, mind power, IQ, playful manner with so much fun and joy. 

Latest Case Show | 最新案例:世界500强-欧莱雅(中国)护肤品部团建活动
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声明: 本案所有活动文字与图片版权归属HarmoTao和合道®所有,未经书面授权,不得使用,违者必究!
Statement: All above games with photo copyright and content shall be owned by the HarmoTao®. Without written authorization, shall not be spread and use, offenders will be punished!

You are welcome to call us for more info. on the Kungfu Yoga at +86 400-878-3392 HarmoTao


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