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Movie Making | 微电影工坊

Everyone has had great dreams, the film is an interpretation of what people can dream, while micro-film workshop will provide an excellent platform for the exchange of experience with your Team building activities.

Experience the mysterious work behind the scenes, the director, continuity, photography, radio, screenwriter, actor, and stage manager, and so on, in this series of work, you need to use the experience in product development, project management, also we need to have a strong executive power and creativity, it is truly your talent. Finally, we also need a "Oscar" awards ceremony.

As a good team, with a micro-film to present your story, that is how proud thing. For a great company, these talented employees will create corporate culture to a greater level.

Types for your reference only: Journey to the West theme type • Lost • A letter to Garcia • Three kingdoms • Trojans • Zombies • Inception etc.

我们每个人心中都曾有伟大的梦想,电影,是一个演绎梦想的地方,而微电影工坊将为您的TEAM BUILDING团队建设活动提供绝佳的体验与交流平台。



附:主题类型• 大话西游• Lost(迷失)• 致加西亚的信• 三国争霸• 特洛伊木马植物大战僵尸• 盗梦空间 FYI.

Key Learning Outcomes|重要的学习成果

#Team creative thinking
#Increase team cohesion, and create a good corporate culture
#Stressed the Team Collaboration
#Clear division of work and individual responsibility and
#Stressed the positive team # Atmosphere

# 激发团队创造性思维

我有兴趣:马上咨询|Send enquiry,或致电+86 400-878-3392 HarmoTao Team Building