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Inviting Partners |合作邀请

For research and application of traditional Chinese culture part: we hope to work with experts, scholars and artists who have made outstanding achievements in traditional Chinese culture, arts and social topics; youth loving Chinese culture are welcomed to join us to co-build and share HarmoTao® brand, so we will provide people with lofty ideals with extensive development space, such as editing and designing course materials, including but not limited to Chinese cultures (philosophy, calligraphy, painting, martial arts, folk customs, arts and crafts, and food). It is better if the developer can teach in English, or we will provide interpretation service for the course. Cultural interpreters and tour leaders with very fluent oral English are welcome for our part-time jobs. Please kindly send your CV to, looking forward to working together with you at HarmoTao® to build brilliant future.

针对中国传统文化研究与应用方面:我们诚挚邀请在中国传统文化、艺术和社会话题等方面有突出建树的专家学者和艺术家一起探讨合作;欢迎热爱中国文化的年轻人加盟共建与共享和合道HarmoTao®品牌,为此,我们将给有志之士提供广阔空间施展,比如编辑设计讲课教材,包括但不限于中国文化各个方面(哲学,书法,绘画,武术,民俗、手工艺,美食等等)。当然,开发者能用流利准确的英文教授更好,如不能,我们将配备口译以保证授课效果。另对于英文口语非常优秀的文化口译、旅游领队等专业人士可以兼职方式进行合作。请发送您的简历到邮箱, 期待我们在和合道HarmoTao®平台共创美好未来。

For talents development and management consultancy part: cooperation is the trend of the industry in the future. Based on the principle of complementing each other‘s advantages and sharing resources, we sincerely welcome all competent consulting companies or training organizations to be our strategic partners; for teams and individuals willing to engage in management consulting industry and having local customers resources, we can set local offices for cooperation; for teams and individuals having some consultants but needing brand and professional technical support, we can cooperate in resource and technology. Please kindly send your CV or institute information to, looking forward to working together with you at HarmoTao® to build brilliant future.
