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Cooking Champion | 厨艺比拼

Creative Team building that stems from the “I want to be Chef” (master chef) Sylvester Stallone programs. Program participants come from all walks of life that they were all on the cooking, full of enthusiasm and hope! From all parts of the participants, they must be in every collection programs in order to make a referee stunning cuisine to stand out in the many competitors to win is certainly not easy to keep judge harshly nodded his head even more difficult! ! The winner of the final winner will receive 25 million won in prize money as well as formal embarked on the dream Chef!

At HarmoTao® creative team building activities named cooking champion offering opportunity for participants with out of working environment to show themselves and as a show of their life skills and skills in the perfect platform, no matter you are good at ingredients, or procurement of raw materials to dish washing vegetables, or hands-on cooking style of cuisine from around the world cuisine are available in this item find their own position and to make their own strength, and a truly universal participation.

创意源自于《我要做厨神》(Master Chef)的真人秀节目。节目中参赛者几乎来自各行各业,相同的是他们都对烹饪充满热情与希望! 来自全国各地的参赛者,他们必须在每一集节目中做出令裁判惊艳的菜肴以脱颖而出,要击败众多竞争者当然不容易,能让严厉的裁判点头更是难上加难!! 最后优胜的冠军将可得到25万元的奖金以及正式走上梦想中的厨师之路!

在和合道®创意活动《Cooking Champion | 厨艺比拼》中,给参与者们提供了一个工作环境外的展示自我的机会,同时也是一个展示自己生活技能与技艺的绝佳平台,不管你是善于食材原材料采购,或是洗菜切菜,还是动手烹饪来自各地特色的美味佳肴,都可以在这个项目里找到自己的定位,尽一份自己的力量,真正做到全民参与,乐在其中。

Key Learning Outcomes|重要的学习成果

#Of co-ordination and planning awareness and capacity;
#Teamwork and effective collaboration;
#Time management and space management;
#At home in the team atmosphere

# 统筹规划意识与能力;
# 团队分工与有效协作;
# 时间管理与空间管理;
# 享受家庭般的团队氛围

Case Show: One of the biggest confectionery company in China-Wrigley (China) Team Building.
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