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Theatre In Enterprise | 企业剧场

The efficient team-building Drama Version: Many managers are aware that teamwork is an important part of todays entrepreneurial spirit,and constantly enhance the cohesion and competitiveness of spiritual strength, every organization encourage employees to participate in organized activities. Effective team building refers to the special mission team members organized according to specific exploration together and coordinated in order to achieve the desired objectives of the ongoing process. This course uses theater and improvisation, theater groups and other collective creation story tips are designed to help managers understand themselves and others, do promote harmonious working relationship and cooperation between team members the ability to upgrade.

The leadership workshops courses of theater: this leadership theater leadership workshop is aimed at using Theater Workshop tactics of the high-level management personnel, understanding of its responsibility for change of heart and mind, and recognizing the importance of establishing the concept of the whole society, of the importance of in-depth self-analysis, treating others with accurate, promote mutual coordination, enhanced team spirit and cohesion of skills. The importance of psychological activities is to improve listening and described ways to promote effective communication and optimized leadership style, appropriate authorization and increase overall productivity.

Theater In Enterprise (TIE) theater culture is the best way to be as team-building and leadership workshop!

《高效团队建设剧场版》:很多管理者都意识到,团队精神是当今企业精神的重要组成部分,是不断增强企业凝聚力和竞争力的精神力量,每个组织都鼓励员工参与组织活动。高效的团队建设是指将肩负特殊使命的团队成员按照特定的摸索组织起来,协调一致,以实现预期目标的持续不断过程。本课程TEAM BUILDING WORKSHOP采用雕塑剧场和即兴表演,团队集体创作故事等剧场技巧旨在帮助管理人员深入了解自身和他人,促做工作关系的融洽,团队成员之间的合作能力提升。

《领导力剧场工作坊课程》:本领导力剧场LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP旨在通过剧场工作坊手法使中、高层管理人员明确自身的责任了解改变心态和思维习惯的重要性,认识树立全局观念的重要意义,学会深入剖析自我,准确对待他人,促进相互协调,掌握增强团队精神和凝聚力的技巧。重视下属心理活动,改善倾听和叙述方式,促进有效沟通优化领导方式,恰当授权和提高整体工作效率的方法。

"企业剧场TIE"是剧场文化体验与团队建设(Team Building)及领导力工作坊(Leadership Workshop)的最佳载体

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