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HarmoTao Team Building Shanghai

River Trekking | 溯溪-直降20的巅峰时尚运动

River Trekking way upstream movement was originated in the European Alps, it is a combination of mountaineering, rock climbing, camping, swimming, ropes operation, field survival, sports and many other integrated positioning technology adventure.  If: fresh air + moving scenery + cold water temperature = mass of water sports; then: the thrill of fresh air + moving scenery + cold water temperature + on the upstream thrills + ...... + = upstream!

Upstream process, Su Walker to be with a certain equipment, to master certain skills, such as to overcome the rapids, pools, waterfalls and many difficulties and obstacles, challenging activities. And we believe: teamwork to create endless possibilities, upstream refreshing cool summer also outdoor TEAM BUIDING a great team-building activities.



溯溪过程中,溯行者须借助一定的装备,掌握一定的技术,去克服诸如急流险滩、深潭飞瀑等许多艰难险阻,活动充满挑战性。而我们相信:团队精神创造无限可能,溯溪也是在夏日清凉消暑的一项绝佳户外TEAM BUIDING团队建设活动。

最新案例:世界500强-美国威富集团旗下The North Face联手Uber打造一键冒险专题活动;
我有兴趣,马上咨询|Send enquiry,或致电+86 400-878-3392 咨询Team Building Outdoor Adventure.