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Tree Climbing | 攀树运动

Tree Climbing is a very serious sport; it is not the current rope climbing to the SRT technology that also is not a simple freehand climb up the tree to have fun.

The Movement was first introduced in the United States. Att  the end of the 1970s, tree climbing has been officially listed as a sport. In 1975, the state of California hosted first international tree climbing competition. Climbing  tree to tree  has also laid the basis for competition projects. The American card area established "international club for climb up the tree to the international tree-climbers” (International Tree Climbing Club) in Atlanta. After more than 30 years of Tree Climbing  Sports promotion, the sport has increased in popularity in the United States and throughout the Americas,  Australia and Europe,  the United Kingdoms, Denmark, France, Czech, Russian, and other such countries. In the United States more than 1,000 schools have opened for  tree climbing courses where participants can practice how to use various ropes, climbing equipment, learn how to use a complete set of tools to complete the climb up the tree, move down and rotate the motion and eventually achieve the trees in the free shuttle purposes.Climbing a tree movement in 2010 to China.

攀树运动最先在美国展开,到上世纪70年代,攀树正式被列为一项运动。1975年美国加州举办首届国际攀树比赛,奠定了攀树作为竞赛项目的基础。美国人约翰卡区在亚特兰大成立“International Club for Tree-Climbers(爬树人国际俱乐部)”,经过30多年对攀树运动的推广,目前已在美国及整个美洲盛行起来,会员也发展到澳洲和欧洲的英国、丹麦、法国、捷克、俄罗斯等国家。在美国有1000多所学校开设攀树运动课程:练习如何借助于绳子、各种攀登器械一整套工具爬树,完成上升、下移、旋转等动作,最终达到在大树间自由穿梭的目的。攀树运动2010年起来到了中国。

Key Learning Outcomes|重要的学习成果:

#Being in nature, close to trees, feel the beauty of life and enjoy a refreshing environment.
#Enjoy the cool laid back style, close to the nature. ,reducing stress of daily life 
#Shared health and life and love of nature.  
#To promote proper care of trees and environmental perceptions


Course Highlights: Learn basic knots and tree climbing knots / hands implemented method / throw bags of lead ropes tree / installation MBT system tree climbing / bifurcated rope climbing system established / body system implementation method climb trees / branches walking / build fulcrum climbing system / thigh steering / rope climbing foot lock system; required equipment: a professional tree climbing helmets, seat belts, tree protection, tree climbing rope, throw bag suit, three dynamic master lock, catch special tree climbing knot


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