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Chinese knots | 中国结
The Chinese knot is a unique hand woven craft of the Han people, expression of the Chinese knot demonstrates an aspect of the ancient civilization of the Han nationality. The Chinese knot gains its origins from a certain style of knot sewing in the Stone Ages, then the chronicle of rites in Han Dynasty, until today it is displayed as a recapitulation decoration technology. People in Zhou dynasty often use to wear portable jade with a Chinese knot for decoration, and a bronze coloring was used for the pattern of Chinese knot in the Warring States period, the Chinese knot truly became the vibe in the folk art in Qing dynasty.

In modern day people often used the Chinese knot as room decorations and presenting gifts for relatives and friends as well as personal ornaments, due to its delicate appearance of symmetry and its representation of the Han history. Furthermore, because of the Chinese traditional decorative customs and aesthetic ideas behind this, it was given the name, the Chinese Knot. The Chinese knot represents the unity of peace and happiness, especially in folk literature, its exquisite workmanship is idolized by the public.




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