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Movable-type Printing | 活字印刷

The movable-type printing, the earliest clay type printing in China, was invented by Bi Sheng during in the 1041 and the 1048 Song Dynasty. The printing materials included books, pad printing, edition, proofreading, classification and daily rotation. The type of clay production is usually divided with hand carved and typed. Both clay type and wood type are hand carved copper types in ancient China.

The mud type printed named “Amitayurdhyana Sutra” in the Northern Song Dynasty (1103) which is believed to be the surviving of the first movable type printing products found thus far. The metal movable type printing called Buddha “Jikji” from South Korea (1377) is viewed as one of the world's oldest metal movable type printing by UNESCO; The German inventor Johannes Gutenberg Johannes Gensfleisch zur laden zum Gutenber invented the type of movable typing press around 1440 by putting a number of technical integrations together, and he promoted the printing to form industrialization.


北宋时期(1103)泥活字印本《佛说观无量寿佛经》被认为是迄今发现存世最早的活字印刷品。韩国高丽禑王三年(1377后)金属活字印刷品《佛祖直指心体要节》被联合国教科文组织认定为世界最古老的金属活字印刷品。德国印刷发明家约翰内斯·古腾堡Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenber在1440年左右,将当时欧洲已有的多项技术整合在一起,发明了铅字的活字印刷,推进了印刷形成工业化。Latest Case Show | 最新案例:世界500强-埃克森美孚国际商务团队冲刺广州文化体验活动。

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