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Hash House Harriers | 猎兔行动

Hash House Harrier sources from the traditional British paper chasing games is a new emerging world leisure and fitness activities and is also new a kind of innovative team building activities.

Team in the activity divided into two roles namely hares and harriers. The hare's task is to leave a marks along the way, and be responsible for the designing line and lead the team to find the end point. The harrier's task is to find the correct route and to reach the end, while hunting for more hares. Whether it is to climb the mountains or wading across the river, as long as the line under the cloth hare,harrier who would not hesitate to a run in the end. The two sides have not only to fight the battle of wits and unknowingly exercise the body but also exercise the will.

Do you want to breathe fresh air in the countryside? Do you want to give the team an easy and fun ideas of team building after meeting? Come join Hash House Harriers action!

Hash House Harrier(HHH)猎兔行动:源于传统的英国式的纸片追踪游戏,是一项新兴起的世界性休闲健身活动,同时也是一种全新的创意TEAM BUILDING团队建设活动。


想在郊外呼吸新鲜空气吗?想在会议之后给团队一个轻松又好玩的创意TEAM BUILDIGN吗?加入猎兔行动吧!

Key Learning Outcomes|重要的学习成果

 #To enhance the participants to adapt to its environment, to overcome the capacity; 
 #To stimulate individual learners potential, we will be able to strengthen mutual understanding teams;
 #Deeply understand the importance of cooperation and team;  
 #Create easy amused activities and enjoy the outdoor activities experience fun.

# 激发学员个人潜能,加强彼此间的了解;
# 深刻体会团队的力量和团队合作的重要性;
# 创造轻松好玩的活动经历,享受户外活动乐趣。

Latest Case: 2018 YOLO MINI-EMBA 6th OCC HASH Team Building Event.
最新案例:2018杨三角企业大学MINI-EMBA OCC第六期团队建设训练营@北京。


Latest Case: Fortune 500 Company-Lear Groups Subsidiary Company Eagle Ottawa Team Building.

我有兴趣:马上咨询|Send enquiry 或致电+86 400-878-3392 Creative Team Building