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Chinese Food|中国美食: 

Chinese food has a long history and multiple branches. It has been well known throughout the world for a long period. Due to the different geographical environment, climate, local products, culture, traditions, and customs of a large and diverse country, Chinese Food includes 8 major cuisines: Shandong, Sichuan, Cantonese, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, and Anhui. 

Key Learning Outcomes: 
#Knowing about food culture in Chinese traditional meaning; 
#Learning about 6 key processes of the Chinese food art;
#Experience and taste one kind of 8 major cuisines in Chinese food;
#Trying to make local snacks food by yourself.



Case Show: One of the biggest confectionery company in China-Wrigley (China) Team Building.
最新案例:中国最大的糖果公司/中国最大的口香糖制造商-箭牌糖果(中国)亚太高管团建活动,全程英文指导。More Informations | 更多信息:请登入


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