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Cave Exploring | 天坑探险

"The world of its crater Guangxi Look in the world's largest crater base" and this is a wonderful world! Unknown Underground. After that, the United States, Britain, Japan, and a dozen other countries attended the expert scientific exploration and verifications in the context of the 20 square kilometers have been found in 28 days.  The crater pit number and crater distribution density of the world. Where in the world, and 13 extra large crater distribution in the entertainment industry alone seven, so Lok Yip is celebrated as"" world crater Burwood, museum". Now formally approved as"International karst caves and offer", "National Forest Park", "National Geopark" and "China Youth scientific exploration expedition base".

Lok Yip County also has the world's most spectacular view of the magnificent natural water arched stone - Burkina YOO Ha fairy bridge, hundreds of Yuen Long in the karstic forest Grand Canyon, Ma Zhuang Nine Dragon statues of huge natural wonders, rich marble caverns, available in the presence of a huge art adventure hidden river system.

In addition, original image. Odae Mountain as well as the red, and the mother Zhuang dam folk culture and good old paper making, sell ecology and cultural village, Burkina YOO Ha Zhuang nationality, Han Sung light art alpine and the richness of cultural and historic sights, also are attractive.





Stroke Reference: day1: arrived in Nanning; day2: Lok Yip - Fire sell ecological village; day3: wind-dang crater speed dropped; day4: boulder wai hang-piercings crater

行程参考:Day1: 抵达南宁;Day2: 乐业—火卖生态村;Day3: 风子荡天坑速降; Day4: 大石围天坑—穿洞天坑我有兴趣:马上咨询|Send enquiry, 或致电+86 400-878-3392 HarmoTao Team Building Adventures

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