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Tai Chi Kung Fu|太极功夫:    

Tai Chi is one of the most distinctive and representative philosophies in ancient China. Tai Chi Kung Fu is based on the notion of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is one of the most distinctive and representative philosophies in ancient China. Tai Chi Kung Fu is based on the ideas of Tai Chi and Yin and Yang. By learning from the changes of five elements as shown in the Yi-ology, meridian science of traditional Chinese medicine, the guiding techniques and deep breathing techniques established in ancient China, Tai Chi Kung Fu has become a martial art building the physical body and mind, featured by soft, slow and agile movements and by the combination of tamper force with mercy. After people achieve skilled hand movement and body movement, or Tai Chi (seemingly no fixed movement), they can realize the purpose of body building, character establishment and longevity. 


Key Learning Outcomes|重点的学习成果


Latest Case: Splunk (Shanghai) Cultural Experience Tai Chi Kung Fu.


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