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Acupuncture Moxibustion | 针炙文化
Chinese acupuncture is composed of Acupuncture and Moxibustion together. Acupuncture therapy uses a stitch needle at certain points in the patient’s body while using various manipulations of twisting, lifting and thrusting to treat diseases; Moxibustion therapy involves using the burning of moxa to fumigate the skin according to certain acupoints by thermal stimulation to treat diseases. Chinese acupuncture is an important part of Chinese traditional medicine; the content includes the theory of acupuncture, acupoints, acupuncture and related apparatus.

There is a complete human body meridian system located in Huangdi Neijing which formed in the Warring States period; Acupuncturist Wang Weiyi compiled the tongrenjing in Song Dynasty. In sixth century A.D., Chinese acupuncture was transferred to South Korea, Japan and other countries, now it has expanded to the world.

Main functions:

1, Dredge the channels and collaterals: The most basic and direct treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion is to make the blockage of the meridians unobstructed in order to play its normal physiological function. Methods of acupuncture and moxibustion to choose corresponding acupoints and acupuncture and needle pricking which causes bleeding to smooth the meridians, Qi and blood flow.

2, Reconcile the Yin and Yang: The final purpose of acupuncture treatment is to improve the human body from the imbalances between Yin and Yang to bring it back to an equilibrium state. Although the mechanism of the disease is complex, it can be summarized as the imbalance between Yin and Yang. The method of acupuncture to regulate Yin and Yang is accomplished by improving the properties of Yin and Yang, meridian acupoints compatibility and acupuncture manipulation.

3, Strengthening the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors: Assist the body get rid of pathogenic factor because the process of disease development and the outcome is the essence of struggle between the vital energy and the pathogenic factor. Acupuncture treatment plays its role by strengthening the body’s resistance to eliminate those pathogenic factors.





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