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Kunqu Opera | 昆曲体验
Kunqu opera was originally called Kunshan cavern or Kunqiang. It was the Chinese ancient opera and drama form, which was known as the Kunqu opera since Qing dynasty, now also known as Kunju Opera. Kunqu Opera is one of the oldest opera forms in the Chinese opera and displays Chinas traditional culture and art, especially in opera art treasures, known as the flowers in the garden of a single orchid. The biggest characteristic of Kunqu performance is strong lyricism, delicate movements and combining singing with dancing with whit and harmony. On May 18, 2001, Kunqu Opera was listed in the first batch of Oral and intangible heritage of humanity by the United Nations education, scientific and Cultural Organization in Paris.

昆曲原名昆山腔或昆腔,是中国古老的戏曲声腔、剧种,清代以来被称为昆曲,现又被称为昆剧。昆曲是中国传统戏曲中最古老的剧种之一,也是中国传统文化艺术,特别是戏曲艺术中的珍品,被称为百花园中的一朵兰花。昆剧表演的最大特点是抒情性强、动作细腻,歌唱与舞蹈的身段结合得巧妙而谐和。2001年5月18日,昆曲艺术被联合国教科文组织在巴黎宣布第一批人类口头和非物质遗产代表作名单。Case show: Fortune 500 company-Evonik Kunqu Opera Cultural Experience


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