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Sedan Culture | 轿子文化
The sedan is a unique vehicle in ancient China. Before the Song Dynasty, the sedan was known as the palanquin, which means, a carriage on a man's shoulder. Sedan’s in China have about 4000 years of history; according to historical records the sedan chair of the original shape produced in the early days of the Xia Dynasty. There unearthed by three wooden palanquin which is composed of a base, a frame, an upright post, railings, car top cover rod and bickering consists of several in 1978, in tomb burial pits in Henan Gushi Hou Gu Dui during the spring and Autumn period, and this is currently found in the earliest real sedan.

Generally, the sedan was a form of evolution during ancient China, the Chinese nation has the history of earlier vehicle making. A description of this evolution is in a book called “Seeing bitter fleabane turning round then knowing how to make vehicle”.

The sedan which two people carry is called the " wo people a small sedan", the one which carries four people is called "four people a small sedan"; the one which carries more than eight people is called a big sedan, such as the large sedan chair carried by eight people" etc. In modern times, the sedan has been replaced by what we call now, the auto car. In modern years, the sedan is generally used only for tourism, entertainment, and wedding ceremonies.




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