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Lao Tze and Taoism|老子与道:

As the founder of Taoism, Lao Tze was one of the most influential thinkers and philosophers in ancient China. In his late years, Lao Tze wrote a book including two volumes containing more than 5,000 characters. The name of the book, Lao Tze, is also known as Tao Te Ching, which is still being read around the whole world. Taoism is the central idea in the philosophy of Lao Tze, which is an inclusive theory applicable to all substances in nature and the human society. In some sense, the philosophy of Lao Tze represents the highly abstract wisdom about social phenomena and natural substances as well as the understanding of water nature;

Key Learning Outcomes:
# Learning deeply about classic history and culture of China;
# Learning the core elements of Chinese leadership and practicing the skills of Chinese leadership;
# Experiencing and practicing the realm of life of rectifying the mind, regulating the family, country and the world.


# 深入学习经典的中国文化与了解中国历史;
# 学习中国式领导力的核心要素及其在当下的修炼和养成;
# 体悟践行秉道厚德、修齐治平、安身立命的人生境界。

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