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Option1: Classic Business Simulation Course | 经典桌面沙盘模拟课程

In war, strategic decision making is of vital importance, as it decides outcomes from great distances up to 1,000 km away. In the modern business world, though we cannot see blood as seen in the battlefields, we still face the merciless and cruel competition. Because business competition is becoming more fiercer, the slightest mistake in corporate decision making might lead to collapse. Making correct business decisions at proper times in the volatile and highly-competing business world has become the key factor ensuring the longstanding survival of companies. 


Key Learning Outcomes|重要的学习成果:

# The inculcation to manage their own capability: Through time and the goal of management capabilities, and select Do the correct thing, do work-life balance;
# Raise student administration; the ability to apply the Situational Leadership, character analysis, coaching technology to the specific features of the different ways of interaction with the
# Enhance trainees; management team capability: through enhanced individual cognitive, optimization team and the flow of communication, and reached the decision-making and conflict resolution team;
# Equip trainees management organization capability: Through comprehensive organization, the quality of the diagnostic model and tools such as the qualifications for a comprehensive organizational management.


我有兴趣:马上咨询|Send enquiry,或致电+86 400-878-3392 HarmoTao Talent Development Program
Option 2: X Treasure Hunting | 移动互联网沙盘
HarmoTao和合道®  X Treasure Hunting | 极限寻宝移动互联网课程是一款模拟策略性团队合作的培训沙盘教具,不但可以让参与者学员快速进入模拟场景,而且可以深入启发学员的深度学习以及全身心的投入,在和合道®专业引导师的指导与启发下,学员们进入更深层次的讨论中,从而挖掘出公司内部存在的根本问题,并试图找出相应的解决方法,适用于公司合并转型、领导力培训、销售会议、团队建设、旅游培训、公司战略计划会议包括营销部门或高层年度会议、年会及庆祝会议、人才选拔等,是一种高度深入体验的体验式学习课程。本沙盘是检讨和训练团队系统思考和系统管理能力的专业移动版沙盘沙盘教具,通过深度挖掘,对可能出现的信息、预测、沟通、规划、竞争、压力等问题进行多角度分析,在寻找解决方法的同时,透视团队工作的固有习惯;透过项目的体验引导,发掘出团队做好目标设定及目标管理的重要性,还能发现资源的不当使用对团队或组织的影响及破坏,协助公司在管理、销售、沟通等方面;运用团体游戏体验的方式,在不知不觉中去显现出问题,发掘出问题的本质,而让学员亲身体会问题所在,并找到卓有成效的解决方法。最新案例:2020链家V计划-以梦铸剑 勇往直前《极限寻宝》游戏化数字沙盘模拟培训课程@成都

我有兴趣:马上咨询|Send enquiry或致电+86 400-878-3393