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Action Learning Program|行动学习项目:

Action learning is a method where people learn from working on real problems under the supervision of a coach. An action learning session is a bit similar to a typical management meeting: team members (project teams, management teams, executive committees) sit together and work on solving a problem. However, there are important differences. The action learning coach controls the interaction forms of the participants, and uses a wide range of facilitation methods to make the session more effective. From this aspect, action learning is a form of workshop facilitation.

But action learning goes deeper than a typical workshop facilitation. Most importantly, participants stop from time-to-time and reflect on what has happened in their interactions, in the group dynamics, and in the implementation. There is time allocated and specific methods for facilitating such reflection. This way, the coach has a crucial role in raising the awareness of participants, helping them discover things or see them from a new and more empowering perspective.

The method and the term of "action learning" was introduced by Professor Reg Revans in England in the 1940s, and it gradually became more mature and popular. From the early beginnings, action learning facilitated not only individual learning, but also team maturity and organizational change, and therefore it became an important part of organizational learning strategies in major corporations. 

行动学习法产生于欧洲,英国瑞文斯(Reg Revans)教授是其重要创始人。在这个课程中,每个参与者所在的机构都提出了一个比较棘手的问题,他们被交换到不同于自己原有专业特长的题目下,组成学习的团队,群策群力,互相支持,分享知识与经验,在较长的一段时间内,背靠学习团队,解决这些棘手的难题。通过实践,这种方法获得了成功,并被称为行动学习法。

Components of an Action Learning Program|一个行动学习项目的组成部分:

#  A problem (project, challenge, opportunity, issue or task)
#  An action learning group or team
#  A process that emphasizes insightful questioning and reflective listening
#  Taking action on the problem
#  A commitment to learning 
#  An action learning coach


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