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Hiking | 徒步穿越

It refers to the area on foot by walking on foot from the start to finish line. Along the way the team may cross a plethora of outdoor activities, mountains, jungle, streams, canyons and other landforms. Participants be in good physical fitness, mental stability and moral standards, but also have helpful team. A successful crossing, the first line to the good parts through carefully tailored plan, to walk through the area to understand, including through time weather, topography, degree of difficulty, the risk factor, the required equipment, food, medicines and so on.
指在徒步区域里主要靠徒步行走去完成起点到终点的穿越里程。中间可能要跨越山岭、丛林、溪流、峡谷等地貌的一种团队户外活动。穿越人员必须要具备良好的体能,稳定的心理素质和道德水准,同时还要有乐于助人的团队精神。 一次成功的穿越,行前要精心定制份好穿越计划,对要徒步穿越的区域进行了解,包括穿越时间的天气、地貌、难度、风险系数,所需的装备、食物、药品等等。

HarmoTao Team Building Guangzhou

Latest Case Show: CUHK Student Adventure Education &  Wilderness Leadership @ MacLehose Trail.
最新案例: 香港中文大学-青年学生历奇教育和野外领导力训练@香港麦理浩径,全程英文指导。
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Wild Camping | 野外露营

Does not rely on housing, hotels and other artificial device, but the use of tents, sleeping bags, mats and other outdoor equipment in the beautiful mountain country of the quartering overnight. In the evening, we wrap up my tent, ignite the fire and start enjoying the barbecue dinner, buffet dinner, accompanied by misty moonlight insects begin our campfire. After the carnival, at night, lying in a comfortable tent, watching the stars and talking with his teammates, this is how comfortable life! Your team also want to adjust, then formulated to work life, and then use the holiday into the nature of it? Invested in one of the most direct way is the wild nature hiking and camping.

指不依赖房屋、旅社等人工设备,而是用帐篷、睡袋、防潮垫等户外装备,在美丽的山野中扎营过夜。傍晚,我们扎好帐篷,点燃篝火,开始享受我们的烧烤晚宴,晚餐结束后,伴随着蒙蒙月色里的虫鸣,开始我们的篝火晚会。狂欢之后,夜里,躺在舒适的帐篷中,看着星星与队友聊天,这是多么惬意的生活!您的团队是否也想调整一下,那公式化的的上班生活,然后利用假日投入大自然呢? 而投入大自然最直接的方式之一就是野外徒步和露营。

HarmoTao Team Building Shanghai

Latest Case Show:Fortune 500 Company VF Group's Subsidiary Company The North Face X UBER.
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Leave No Trace|无痕山林

Leave No Trace (LNT) is a set of outdoor ethics originating from the 1980s, promoting conservation in the outdoors. In 2007, Taiwan Forestry Bureau introduced the course of Leave No Trace outdoor ethics in forest. In 2011, the idea was introduced into mainland China. We recognize and advocate Leave No Trace in forest, because it is significantly meaningful to the sustainable development of environment resources.

无痕山林,即英文Leave No Trace,简称LNT,源于1980年代美国兴起的无痕旅游行动概念,旨在提醒人们在自然中活动时,关注并身体力行地保护与维护当地的生态环境。2007年,台湾林务局将无痕山林户外伦理中心的课程引入台湾。2011年,这理念被引进中国大陆,我们认可并倡导无痕山林,因为它对环境资源的可持续发展极具意义。

Course Benefits|课程效益:

# Members learn the importance of environment protection and sustainable development;
# Arouse members to value and protect the people and things in your life, and build members personal responsibility and social responsibility;
# Arouse members to review their own values, and the organization can inculcate its core value and vision.

# 参加者深入了解环境保护及永续经营的重要性;

# 强调对生活周边人事物的珍惜与爱护,建构参加者的个人责任及社会责任;

# 唤起参加者深入反思其个人价值观,同时组织也可在活动中传达组织核心价值与愿景。

HarmoTao Team Building ShanghaiMore information |更多信息:请登入

Latest Case Show:Fortune 500 Company L'Oreal Management Trainee LNT @Moganshan.