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Chinese Carving | 中国篆刻
The Chinese carving is the art of seal making which is made of calligraphy (mainly seal character) and carving (including chisel and cast). The Chinese carving is a unique sculpture of art used by developing the ancient Chinese seal production technology which uses stone as the main material and a knife as the carving tool which has more than 3,000 years of history.

The Chinese carving not only emphasizes strokes and structures of Chinese calligraphy, but also highlights artistic expression of carving freely and uninhibitedly, while displaying skills and expressing feelings in times of confusion. This technique is loved by Chinese scholars and the general public. The carving art works can enjoy independence, and is widely used in the fields of painting and calligraphy.

On September 30, 2009, the United Nations Education UNESCO protection of non-material cultural heritage of the Intergovernmental Committee examined and approved the Chinese carving into the human non-material cultural heritage list for the fourth meeting in the United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi.





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