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All Terrain Vehicle | 全地形车

All-terrain vehicle All Terrain Vehicle (suitable for all terrain vehicles), commonly known as "beach car", also known as "all-terrain 4x4 locomotive."

Vehicle simple and practical, good off-road performance, attractive appearance with generally no canopy. ATV has wide tires, which increase the contact area with the ground, resulting in greater friction and reduce pressure on the ground of the vehicle, making it easy to travel to the beach, river, forest roads, streams, and the harsh desert terrain. People can carry or transport goods. ATVs are divided into three categories: four all-terrain vehicle (ATV), multi-purpose all-terrain vehicle (UV), entertainment venues vehicles (Go-kart). You think your driving skills are very fast? To come to Yezhulin to try your skill it!

全地形车All Terrain Vehicle(适合所有地形的交通工具),俗称为“沙滩车”,又称“全地形四轮越野机车”.


HarmoTao Team Building Shanghai

Latest Case Show: Fortune 500 Company- Mercedes-Benz Team Building Event. 
最新案例:世界500强-戴姆勒集团旗下梅赛德斯-奔驰GLA SUV天生无畏团队冒险指定供应商
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