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 Chinese Calligraphy|中国书法:

The archaeological findings and literatures show that the Chinese characters originated from the Yangshao Period of the Neolithic Age. During the Shang Dynasty about 4,000 years before, the systematic written language system had been established. Chinese calligraphy is an ancient art of writing Chinese characters and the unique art of expression created by the Han people. It is known as the speechless poem, the motionless dance, the graph-free painting and soundless music. Chinese calligraphy is different from other calligraphies because it is totally dependent on the special meanings of Chinese characters. 


Key Learning Outcomes|重要的学习成果:


HarmoTao Team Building Guangzhou

Latest Case1: Koelnmesse Global Management Cultural Experience Chinese Calligraphy Event.

HarmoTao Team Building BeijingLatest Case2: Tsinghua International School Cultural Experience Chinese Calligraphy Event.


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