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Corporate Experiential Training | 企业体验式培训

Corporate experiential training features rich content and extensive categories, and it is generally classified by stages of team development and the roles of participants as: course for new team members, course for inter-departmental cooperation, course for effective team communication, course for potential development and professional quality improvement, course for motivating sales and marketing team, course for embracing corporate culture and value, course for conflict management, course for organizational reform, and course for customer relationship management.It can also be classified by spatial dimensions as: plane courses, rope challenge courses, and all-dimensional team decision making courses; 


Category 1 - Plane Courses |类别1、平面课程介绍:

A customized thematic course design using portable training aids and simulating team scenarios. By guiding the game, the mentor represents real-life work situations, such as interpersonal communication, problem solving, leadership, conflict management, decision model, and departmental or individual selfishness. Meanwhile, for team members, the guided in-depth discussions before and after activities play an important role in involving and organizing their work and life.


Course Benefits|课程效益:

# Arousing team cooperation and support and encouraging members to build self-confidence;
# Letting members concern with physical and mental safety of each other to build team trust;
# Developing leadership and communication skills through problem solving to outline the decision model;
# Developing the /"assessing problem/" and /"thinking of problem/" solving skills of members;
# Arousing members motivation for the goal and developing the ability of advancing setbacks. 

# 凝聚团队合作与相互支持的气氛,以正向鼓励成员,建立自信;

# 注入学员们对彼此身心安全的支持与合作的元素,促使团队建立信任;

# 透过问题解决活动的参与,使领导能力与沟通技巧得以养成,勾勒出决策的模式;

# 协助学员培养/“评估问题/”及/“构思解决之道/”的技巧;

# 引发学员挑战目标的动机,培养化挫折为助力的能力。

我有兴趣:马上咨询|Send enquiry 或致电+86 400-878-3392 HarmoTao Talent Development Program

Category 2 – Ropes Challenge|类别2、绳索挑战课程介绍

We have a large, well-equipped, and reliable base camp for ropes challenge courses. The base camp has HIGH 5 and PA systems that have been proven safe during the last 40 years, built in accordance with certified engineers/’ ACCT safety standards, with elements of Chinese culture and enterprise managers. The base camp has different indoor and outdoor facilities and ropes including high (14m-22m) challenge ropes and low (3m-6m) puzzle experiential ropes.

我们提供规模完善、安全可靠的绳索探索教育培训基地,探索极限基地引进在美国具有40余年培训权威的HIGH 5和PA的系统设施,符合美国ACCT安全标准,充分融合中国文化与企业经理人特征。基地针对培训系统而架设了室内外的各种培训硬体及中高绳索设施,拥有多项高空(14m-22m)挑战绳索设施,低空(3m-6m)益智型体验设施。


For the high challenge, each member has to overcome fear and pressure, get a guarantee from teammates to finish the missions, and then will give thanks to the support and encouragement from teammates after the challenge. It is the key for the success of the team to get more assistance and encouragement from each other while finishing more high challenges. It provides participants with a more positive attitude of challenging themselves and pushing the limit to face their job.

绳索课程其特点在于每位成员在挑战高空时,除了必须克服恐惧与压力外,更必须获得身后团体成员的确保,方能挑战各项任务,当挑战成功之后,更会感谢团队成员的支持与鼓励。每完成一项高空挑战,就越能够体会到相互的协助与鼓励才是全员成功的关键,从而培养了参与者挑战自我、挑战极限的正面心态,最终帮助参与者以更积极的态度去面对工作.......我有兴趣,马上咨询|Send enquiry

我有兴趣:马上咨询|Send enquiry 或致电+86 400-878-3392 HarmoTao Talent Development Program

Category 3 – Geoteaming|类别3、全方位团队决策课程介绍

Geoteaming focuses on team building and decision making. Away from buildings and cities, on a prairie, or in a forest, the team members equipped with high-tech gadgets - GPS receivers, two-way radios, PDAs, digital cameras, and compasses – strike out on a fun-filled mission to find hidden caches. During the geoteaming, team members will learn the strength of the team, and the leadership, execution, and effective decision-making that a high-performance team should have.


Course Benefits|课程效益:

# An outdoor event, good for both physical and mental health;
# Enhancing team execution, a challenge for physical ability and creativity;
# Enhancing decision-making ability of the team, letting team members trust each other and stick out;
# Integrating resources, balancing the goals of individuals, departments and the corporate.

# 户外活动,有助调剂身心
# 团队执行能力,体能与创意的考验;

# 团队决策能力,相互信任并坚持到底;

# 整合你我资源,平衡个人、部门和公司目标。

Latest Case Show:Fortune 500 Company LOreal Management Trainee Geoteaming @Moganshan.
我有兴趣,马上咨询|Send enquiry 或致电+86 400-878-3392 HarmoTao Talent Development Program