Culture Experience | 文化体验

Team Building | 团队建设

Talent Development | 人才发展

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HarmoTao® is a team building and talent development brand of subsidiary under HarmoTao (Hong Kong) Adventure Education Group which headquartered in Hong Kong and operates in Shanghai China, and also has offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Ganzhou. As the China's Premier creative team building solutions and professional talent development provider to use Chinese traditional culture elements with corporate team building. With distinctive perspective, we present the best part of Chinese traditional culture to help Chinese and overseas participants experience, learn, and understand how to develop talents and build teams by creating the proper situation and wonderful experience. PS: Here are some testimonials from HarmoTao's client. 

和合道® 和合道(香港)探索教育集团旗下子公司上海夷希文化传播有限公司隶属的团队建设与人才发展品牌,大陆运营总部在中国上海,北京、广州、成都、赣州均设代表处。作为以体验中国传统文化元素为特色的创意团队建设解决方案与专业人才发展服务供应商,我们以独特的视角从中国传统文化宝库中吸取丰富的营养,通过创造合适的情境和美好的体验,让参与者以身心投入的方式去学习和领悟人才发展与团队建设之道。和合道®团建品牌部分客户见证参考!

Mission: To learn and carry on the best part of Chinese traditional culture, apply the ethos of whole person education, carry forward the exploring spirit inherent in the Western civilization, and stay dedicated to the creative team training, adventure education and cultural consultancy service for corporations, organizations and teenagers;|使命:学习与传承中国传统文化精髓,运用国际流行的全人教育理念,发扬西方文明世界的探索精神,致力于为企业,机构和青少年团体提供创意团队建设,体验探索教育及文化咨询服务;

Vision: To become Fortune Global 500 enterprises' the first choice long-term provider of team building and talent development;|愿景:成为世界500强企业长期优质团队建设与人才发展服务商;

Values: Diversified, International and Creative;|价值观:多元化、国际化、创造力;

Business Philosophy:Harmony, Unification, and Natural Taoism;|经营理念: 谐共生、而为一、法自然。