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Amazing Race | 城市探索(北京上海广州杭州成都,香港,澳门)

Originating in the United States Reality television program "The amazing race” With limited time and space activities, under conditions of the city you will locate in (i.e. Beijing Hutong elements, Shanghai Lane elements, Chengdu Chuan Opera elements, Guangzhou food elements, Hangzhou West Lake elements, Hongkong Shopping elements, Macau Gambling elements and other land mark elements etc.) historical trail activities, cultural activities, monuments and element design unique activities to experience-situational theory as the active design principles, offers team members the experience, participation, competition, team collaboration in the atmosphere of the city rich harvest redirect knowledge and problem-solving skills, team-building objectives around both the development of team spirit and character.

In the course of the activity participants will be composed of a small teams of people with different roles. In response to the challenges each panel will receive a map of the city and an ancient compass. The teams need to rely on the strength of the team to obtain enough information to find the transit points and will face a variety of tasks. This activity tests the team’s collaboration capabilities. During the entire process, modern life’s convenient tools will be restricted or have limited use, including money.  Resources are scarce, so the team will need to figure out how to adapt to the living environment for change will be an enormous challenge the players will face during this team building activity. 

创意源自美国经典真人秀电视节目《The Amazing Race》。在有限的时空条件下,根据活动城市(比如:北京胡同文化、上海弄堂文化、成都川剧文化、广州美食文化、杭州西湖美景文化,香港购物文化、澳门赌场文化及城市地标主题等维度) 历史线索、文化活动、名胜古迹等元素设计独特的活动情境,以体验式理论作为活动设计原则,让团队在体验、参与、竞争、团队协作的氛围中收获丰富的城市定向知识和问题解决能力,同时围绕团队建设目标培养企业员工的团队精神与品格。


Case Show: Fortune 500 Company-L'Oreal Team Building Event.
案例1:世界500强-欧莱雅L'Oreal法国总部高管团队-冲刺!上海Shanghai Rush!活动,全程英文指导。

Latest Case Show: Fortune 500 Company-ExxonMobil MGV Team Building Event.
案例2:世界500强-埃克森美孚ExxonMobil美国商务高管团队-冲刺!广州Guangzhou Rush!活动,全程英文指导。

Case Show: Fortune 500 Company-Evonik Asia Sales Team Building Event.
亚太区销售团队-冲刺!成都 Chengdu Rush!活动,全程英文指导。
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(4)  城市探索活动-冲刺珠海:世界唯一医学研究组织-MRO
(5)  城市探索活动-冲刺杭州:世界500强法国欧莱雅中国区
(6)  城市探索活动-冲刺赣州:赣州首场The Amazing Race
(7)  城市探索活动-冲刺成都:世界500强德国赢创亚太高管
(10) 海岛探索-冲刺珠海: 世界品牌服装布料供应商国泰染整
  (11) 海岛探索-冲刺上海: 全球企业家组织EO华东F1-Retreat

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