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Chinese Archery | 中国射道 >> 世界500强戴姆勒集团旗下梅赛德斯-奔驰GLA SUV天生无畏团队冒险指定项目

Archeology has shown that China is one of the first countries in the world to have and use the bow and arrow, Shanxi Shuoxian Shiyu stone ruins found arrowheads that prove that China in the late Paleolithic era already were using bows and arrows. Shang and Zhou era, especially the Western Zhou Dynasty, archery was considered a basic skill in the aristocracy, and was a very important educational subject. Around a variety of archery, and gradually formed a big shot, shot Yan, rural radio, a set of ritual injection system. Zhou's school, called Xiang, order, learning, school, etc., are in fact practice shooting places, but also by learning to improve fire ceremony were Humanities.

In conjunction with this ancient tradition during Spring and Autumn Period The Chinese philosopher Confucius actively promoted and wrote about the use of the bow and arrow. As we all know, "shot" is one of the "Six Arts" of Confucius teachings, " here is nothing to fight a gentleman thing. If some dispute, it must be settled with an archery competition! ...... And then an arrow should be very polite”  Confucius himself was quite a marksman from reports.

"Book of Rites and Righteousness" contains: "Confucius shot in garden Jue phase, the cover viewer, such as the wall."But Confucius more attention to"shoot to the view of Germany," he educational function to shoot as learning etiquette and nurture important means to regulate the"gentleman" behavior. In view of the practice shooting by"force different subjects", that is, personal fitness are very different, he advocated "not hit the main skin" competitive philosophy. It is actually more attention to the activities involved in archery, and not in pursuit of "consistent reform" and game ranking as the main purpose.




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