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Parachute Jumping | 跳伞体验

Have you ever thought to experience a real adventure: heart and body to feel the whole process? Experience out of the cabin instant heartbeat? Experience in the high altitude of a crazy 200 kilometers per hour? At the same time appreciate the kind of adventure outside of flying in the sky and the over the sea? When the clouds passing from the side, expand your hands like a bird as fly! Double skydiving is the feeling of freedom skydiving exciting quickest and most simple way is the ultimate thrill of a lifetime!

Enter the aircraft, from takeoff its only takes 20 minutes to rise to 12,000 feet for the final systems check. The next step is the only jump! Into space of 12,000-foot-high kind of pleasure is unprecedented. The adrenaline begins to surge, it feels like, at 7,500 feet high places and on the free-fall speeds over 200 km of a floating cushion 45 seconds. Wind brushes your face, heart rate accelerated sharply. If you choose to own parachute process video, photographers will hover around you, at any time before you capture the eternal moment of excitement. At about 4,500 feet to open the parachute. Then the sky very quiet, wonderful scenery abnormal

Skydiving is one of the best experiences in life. The feeling is indescribable, but after the excitement of skydiving will last for several weeks. If you are considering a parachute jump, or just want to experience parachuting, skydiving double that is the best choice!

你有没有想过体验一次真正的冒险:用心和身体去体会它的整个过程?感受跳出机舱瞬间的心跳?感受在高空中,以200公里的时速下落时疯狂?同时体会到是冒险以外的那种翱翔在蓝天和大海之间的惊喜?当白云从身边掠过时请展开你的双手像鸟那样飞翔吧! 双人跳伞是感受令人激动的自由跳伞最快捷最简单的方式,是人一生中的终级快感!

进入飞机,飞机起飞并且在20 分钟后上升到12,000 英尺的高度,进行最后系统校验。接下来唯一步骤就是跳!走进12,000 英尺高空间的那种快感是前所未有的。随着肾上腺素开始急升,那感觉就象,在7,500 英尺高的地方自由降落并且在时速超过200 公里的一块气垫上漂浮45 秒。风吹刷着你的脸,心跳急剧加速。如果你选择给自己的跳伞过程录像,摄影师将在你身边盘旋,随时出现在你面前捕捉永恒的兴奋时刻。在大约4,500 英尺的高度打开降落伞。那时的天空无比寂静,风景异常美妙。


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