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Our Commitment to Social Responsibility

At HarmoTao®, Taking corporate social responsibility means a commitment to maintaining a sustainable environment and giving back to the community. We have been applied to a Carbon Neutral Company in 2014 and consistently look for opportunities to interact with community groups and non-profit organizations.|对于和合道®品牌而言,承担企业社会责任意味着对保持可持续发展和回馈社区的承诺。2014年我们申请加入中国碳中和联盟而争取成为企业管理咨询业界中首家会员单位,我们积极努力于碳中和处理,主动寻找机会与社区团体和非营利组织进行互动。

Environmental Stewardship

HarmoTao® has been applied to China carbon neutral Alliance as a Carbon Neutral Company in 2014.  To achieve this, the company‘s carbon footprint was measured, followed by a structured process to reduce our footprint as much as possible. Finally, we offset the unavoidable CO2 emissions through purchasing carbon credits investing directly in sustainable energy programs.  |环境保护责任:和合道® 在2014年在活动层面申请ISO14064标准认证而成为一家碳中和企业。为了实现这一目标,我们对公司的碳足迹进行了测量,并采取一系列结构化流程将碳足迹降到最低。除此之外,我们通过购买碳信用额并直接投资在可持续发展的能源项目中,来弥补不可避免的二氧化碳排放。

Community & Charity Involvement

HarmoTao® is proud to support several community efforts in Shanghai and Beijing. Community like the Playback Theatre for Zhenru town , Corporate like the Leave No Trace Project of Subaru Auto has garnered recognition from extensive Chinese people. We will continue to support charities by providing customized training programs and projects and are always looking for partner organizations. |社区与慈善参与:和合道® 很荣幸能在上海和北京地区为若干社会活动提供支持。比如参与真如社区一人一故事剧场(Playback Theatre)公益文化活动受到老街居民的热烈欢迎,参与斯巴鲁汽车无痕山林(Leave No Trace)的绿色环保行动得到广泛的社会认可。我们将向慈善团体继续提供定制化的培训项目来提供支持,并且一直在寻找合作伙伴。