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GroupM is the leading global media investment management company for WPP’s media agencies including Mindshare, MediaCom, Wavemaker, Essence and m/Six, and the outcomes-driven programmatic audience company, Xaxis. HarmoTao Team Building delivered a customized team building event for GroupM Trading team more than 230 people at Hengqin New Area of Zhuhai city on 11th April 2019. All participants actively took part in Riding Bicycle and Hiking Race, then participated in a Dragon Boat competition, in which signified that all GroupM members setting out together on a new journey towards the future.HarmoTao Team Building ZhuhaiStatement: All above photo copyright and content shall be owned by the HarmoTao®, without written authorization, shall not be spread and use, offenders will be punished!! You are welcome to call us for more customized programs at 400-878-3392

(9)中国龙舟-世界500强WPP 旗下群邑集团龙舟竞速团队建设活动
(10) 功夫瑜伽-世界500强Loreal欧莱雅中国护肤品功夫瑜伽文化体验
(11) 活字印刷-世界500强ExxonMobil埃克森美孚全球高管文化体验
(12) 禅修文化-跨国商务精英团队体验Zen-meditation retreat禅修营
About HarmoTao和合道®-中国传统文化元素特色的世界500强团建品牌优选供应商2-Tel: 400 878 3392 
HarmoTao和合道®是和合道(香港)探索教育集团旗下子公司隶属的团队建设与人才发展的注册商标品牌,是国际人才发展协会(ATD)会员单位机构、国际夏令营协会(ICF)会员单位机构以及国际体验教育协会(AEE)会员单位机构。HarmoTao和合道®大陆运营总部在中国上海,北京、广州、成都、赣州均设代表处。公司专注于团队建设和人才发展,中国传统文化体验和体验探索教育咨询服务,可根据客户需求进行多语种包括英语、国语和粤语进行授课交付服务; HarmoTao和合道®已成功为包括宝洁、联合利华、巴黎欧莱雅、赢创、梅赛德斯-奔驰、大众汽车、优步&北面、碧桂园地产、宝能地产、初橙会、杨三角企业大学、清华附中国际部、成都墨尔文国际学校、香港中文大学、德州仪器等世界500强公司或知名企业提供优质的创意活动和人才发展服务。